
Not a full list, mostly the ones with a talk.

G. Tóth, Quantum Wasserstein distance based on an optimization over separable states, ICE-9 Quantum Information Spain, October 11-25, 2024. [pdf]

Sz. Szalay, Alternatives of entanglement depth and metrological entanglement criteria, ICE-9 Quantum Information Spain, October 11-25, 2024. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, ICE-9 Quantum Information Spain, October 11-25, 2024. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Number-phase uncertainty relations and bipartite entanglement detection in spin ensembles, 7th Basque Quantum Science and Technology Workshop, San Sebastian, October 4, 2024. [pdf]

I. Apellaniz, Gradient magnetometry with atomic ensembles, 7th Basque Quantum Science and Technology Workshop, San Sebastian, October 4, 2024. (poster)

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, 7th Basque Quantum Science and Technology Workshop, San Sebastian, October 4, 2024. (poster) [pdf]

J. Pitrik, Quantum Wasserstein distance based on an optimization over separable states, INdAM Meeting Quantum Optimal Transport and Applications, Palazzone di Cortona, Italy, September 1-6, 2024.

R. Trényi, How to share a secret with the help of quantum physics?, Eli Summer Camp for High School Students, ELI ALPS Research Institute, Szeged, Hungary, June 25, 2024.

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, Recent Advances in Quantum Computing and Technology (ReAQCT 2024), Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus, Budapest, Hungary, June 19, 2024.

R. Trényi, Hogyan titkosítsunk összefonódottság segítségével? (How should we use entanglement for cryptography?), World Quantum Day Meetup, Nokia Skypark, Budapest, Hungary, April 14, 2024.

I. Apellaniz, Gradient Magnetometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Germany, March 18-22, 2024.

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Germany, March 18-22, 2024.

G. Tóth, Quantum Wasserstein distance based on an optimization over separable states, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Germany, March 18-22, 2024. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, BME Theroretical Phyiscs Seminarium, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 8 March 2024. [pdf]

J. Pitrik, On quantum Wasserstein distance, International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, July 7-8, 2023. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Number-phase uncertainty relations and bipartite entanglement detection in spin ensembles, ICE-8 Quantum Information Spain, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, 29 May-1 June, 2023. [pdf]

I. Apellaniz, Gradient magnetometry with various types of spin ensembles, ICE-8 Quantum Information Spain, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, 29 May-1 June 2023. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, ICE-8 Quantum Information Spain, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, 29 May-1 June 2023. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, Wigner RCP, Budapest, 2 May 2023.

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, University of Szeged, Theoretical Physics Department, Szeged, 27 April 2023.

G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multipartite entanglement in cold gases, Quantum Interactive Dynamics II, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 27–29 March 2023. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum Wasserstein distance based on an optimization over separable states, APS March meeting (online), March 20, 2023. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement, DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP), Hannover, Germany, March 5-10, 2023. [pdf]

I. Apellaniz, Gradient magnetometry with various types of spin ensemble, DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP), Hannover, Germany, March 5-10, 2023.

G. Tóth, Quantum Wasserstein distance based on an optimization over separable states, DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP), Hannover, Germany, March 5-10, 2023. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Number-phase uncertainty relations and bipartite entanglement detection in spin ensembles, DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP), Hannover, Germany, March 5-10, 2023.

I. Apellaniz and G. Tóth participates on the Annual meeting of the EHU Quantum Center, UPV/EHU, Leioa, 12 December, 2022.

G. Tóth, Ikerbasque meeting, Guggenheium Museum, Bilbao, 28 November, 2022.

I. Apellaniz, Gradient magnetometry with atomic ensembles, DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Regensburg, Germany, 4-9 September 2022.

G. Tóth, Uncertainty relations with the variance and the quantum Fisher information, DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Regensburg, Germany, 4-9 September 2022. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Multicopy metrology with many-particle quantum states, DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Regensburg, Germany, 4-9 September 2022. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Uncertainty relations with the variance and the quantum Fisher information, New trends in complex quantum systems dynamics 2022, San Sebastian, 20-24 June, 2022. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Multicopy metrology with many-particle quantum states, New trends in complex quantum systems dynamics 2022, San Sebastian, 20-24 June, 2022. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Uncertainty relations with the variance and the quantum Fisher information based on convex decompositions of density matrices, Quantum Materials 2022, Barcelona, 21-23 June 2022.

R. Trényi, Multicopy metrology with many-particle quantum states, Quantum Materials 2022, Barcelona, 21-23 June 2022.

G. Tóth, Uncertainty relations with the variance and the quantum Fisher information, International Conference on Reduced Density Matrix Theory for Quantum Many-Fermion Systems (RDM2022), San Sebastian, 15-17 June, 2022. [pdf]

R. Trényi, Multicopy metrology with many-particle quantum states, International Conference on Reduced Density Matrix Theory for Quantum Many-Fermion Systems (RDM2022), San Sebastian, 15-17 June, 2022. [pdf]

I. Apellaniz, Gradient magnetometry with atomic ensembles, International Conference on Reduced Density Matrix Theory for Quantum Many-Fermion Systems (RDM2022), San Sebastian, 15-17 June, 2022. (poster) [pdf]

R. Trényi, Multicopy metrology with many-particle quantum states, ICE-7 (8th Conference on Quantum Information in Spain), Granada, Spain, 23-27 May 2022. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Uncertainty relations with the variance and the quantum Fisher information, Entanglement in action, Benasque, Spain, 15-20 May 2022. [pdf]

G. Tóth visits G. Giedke, DIPC, San Sebastian, Spain, 7 April 2022.

J. Pitrik, Optimal transport: classical and quantum, Wigner RCP, Budapest, 22 February 2022. [pdf]


G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, 2nd European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC), 29 November-2 December 2021. (online poster, 1 December) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology: numerical and analytical examples, Kwek Leong Chuan’s theory group at the Center for Quantum Technologies, Singapore, 9 November 2021. (online) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, Quantum Information and Measurement VI (QIM), 1-5 November 2021. (online, on 4 November 2020) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum entanglement and its use in metrology, Szilárd Leó Colloquium, Building F, lecture hall 213, Department of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, 2 November 2021. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Semidefinite programming in quantum information theory, Quantum information theory and optimization theory, Pécs, Hungary, 26-27 October. 2021. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, Virtual DPG-Tagung (DPG Meeting) of the Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section (SAMOP), 20-24 September 2021. (online, 23 September) [pdf]

J. Pitrik, A divergence center interpretation of general Kubo-Ando means, The Trojan Math Seminar, Troy University, Alabama, USA, 16 September 2021. (online) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, Quantum Optics X, Torun, Poland, 5-11 September 2021. (online poster, 8 September) [pdf, pdf2]

G. Tóth participates in the Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 23-24 June 2021. (online)

Á. Lukács, Nontopological solitons in Abelian gauge theories coupled to U(1)×U(1) symmetric scalar fields, ACHT 2021 "Perspectives in Particle, Cosmo- and Astroparticle Theory", 21-23 April 2021. (online) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, QuantERA CEBBEC meeting, 15 April 2021. (online) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Defense of a D. Sc. thesis from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Thesis title: Entanglement detection and quantum metrology in quantum optical systems, Budapest, Hungary, 30 March 2021. (online)

G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), 15-19 March 2021. (online, presented at 11:39 Central Daylight Time (USA!), on 15 March 2020) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 4 March 2021. (online, presented at 11:15 Central European Time, on 4 March 2021.) [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum metrology from quantum information science perspective, Quantum Computer Science Seminar, Budapest, 25 February 2021, 16:30. (online) [pdf]


Á. Lukács, Q-balls in Abelian gauge theories coupled to U(1) times U(1) symmetric scalar, Solitons at Work, 2 December 2020. (online). [pdf, youtube]

G. Tóth participates as a part of the audience on the workshop "Kvantum innováció a BME VIK-en - Eredmények és tervek", Budapest University of Technology, 25 November 2020. (online)

G. Tóth participates as a part of the audience on the R. S. Ingarden Session organized by National Quantum Information Center in Poland (KCIK), Wednesday, Nov 25, 2020. (online)

G. Tóth participates on the Ikerbasque annual meeting, 9:00-10:30, November 12, 2020. (online)

G. Tóth meets S. Imre and L. Bacsárdi with T. Kiss and O. Kálmán, IB121, Building I, Department of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest University of Technology, 26 August 2020.

G. Tóth participates as audience on the online defense of the thesis submitted to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Tamás Vértesi: Nemlokális kvantumkorrelációk vizsgálata (Examinaton of nonlocal quantum correlations), Budapest, 18 June, 2020

G. Tóth, one of the organizers of Workshop on “Fundamental Quantum Physics and Application in Space”, Budapest, 30 March-3 April 2020. (postponed)

G. Tóth, Activating hidden metrological usefulness, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, 8-13 March 2020. (canceled)

Á. Lukács, Stability analysis of electroweak-dark strings, Seminar Room of the Department of Theoretical Physics, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Wednesday, 11 March 2020. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes, Workshop on Entanglement Quantification in Cold Gases, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 February 2020.

G. Tóth, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, 29-30 January 2020.


G. Tóth, Journal club: G. Tóth, T. Vértesi, P. Horodecki, R. Horodecki: Activating hidden metrological usefulness, arXiv:1911.02592, University of Siegen, Germany, 10:15-11:15, 21 November 2019.

G. Tóth, Visiting the group of O. Gühne in Siegen, Germany, month of November 2019.

G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 12 November 2019. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum metrology, Colloquium at the University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, 7 November 2019. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology, Quantum Speed Limits and Thermodynamics, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, 30 October 2019. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes, Conference of the Roland Eötvös Physical Society, Sopron, Hungary, 21-24 August 2019. [pdf]

[invited] G. Tóth, Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes, XVI International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Minsk, Belarus, May 13-17, 2019. [pdf]

[invited] G. Tóth, Tutorial: Quantum metrology from a quantum information science perspec__tive, Conference of the German Physical Society, Rostock, Germany, 10 March 2019. [pdf]

G. Tóth visits Miguel Navascues at IQOQI, Wien, Austria 27 February-2 March, 2019.

G. Tóth, in the committee of the Ph. D. defense of Paul Erker (advisor S. Wolf, A. Winter, M. Huber), USI Lugano and UAB Barcelona, Lugano, Switzerland, 20 February 2019.

G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology, Engineering Quantum Open Systems 2019, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, 12 February 2019. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes, Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), San Sebastian, Spain, 6 February 2019. [pdf]


[invited] How long does it take to obtain a physical density matrix?, Mini-workshop on the foundations of quantum mechanics, IQOQI, Austria, 10-12 December, 2018. [pdf]

G. Tóth, participating on the Workshop: 3rd Quantum Technology - Implementations for Space Workshop 20-21 November 2018, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands; QTSpace Management Committee Meeting; QTSpace mini workshop on "Quantum Physics in Space".

[invited] G. Tóth, Quantum Fisher information and entanglement, Quantum Information Theory and Mathematical Physics, Budapest, 20-23 September, 2018. [pdf]

[invited] I Apellaniz, Gradient magnetometry with entangled atomic ensembles, Entanglement Days, organised by Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, 26-28 September, 2018.

G. Tóth, Entanglement Days, organised by Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, 26-28 September, 2018. [pdf]

[invited] G. Tóth, Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes, Symposium: "Quantum Resources”, National Quantum Information Centre, Gdansk, Poland, 24-26 May 2018. [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology, 25th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO), 21-22 May 2018. [pdf]

[invited] G. Tóth, Entanglement criterion for two spatially separated atomic ensembles, Workshop "Observability and Estimation in Quantum Dynamics", Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris, May 15-17, 2018. [pdf]

[invited] I. Apellaniz, "Julia for Quantum: A basic introduction to the language" (abstract) [resources], IQOQI (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information), Wien, Austria, May 27, 2018

G. Tóth, participating on the Workshop: Realization of quantum experiments in space, meeting of the COST Action CA15220 “Quantum Technologies in Space", Wien, Austria, 10-11 April 2018.

G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Erlangen, Germany, March 4-9, 2018.

G. Tóth, Lower bounds on the quantum Fisher information based on the variance and various types of entropies, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Erlangen, Germany, March 4-9, 2018.

I. Apellaniz, Precision bounds for gradient magnetometry with atomic ensembles, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Erlangen, Germany, March 4-9, 2018. [pdf]

I. Apellaniz, Precision Bounds on gradient metrology (poster), Quantum Simulation & Computation, 12-16 February 2018, Bilbao, Spain. [pdf]

[invited] G. Tóth, Lower bounds on the quantum Fisher information based on the variance and various types of entropies, Grup d'Informació Quàntica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 9-12 January, 2018.


G. Tóth, Witnessing metrological useful entanglement, Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary, 22-23 November 2017. [pdf]

[invited] M. Kleinmann, “Quantum correlations, contextuality and all that…again and again,” Natal, Brazil, 20–24 November 2017.

G. Tóth, New types of entangled states for metrology in space, 2nd Quantum Technology Workshop - Implementations for Space (14-15 November 2017, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands). [pdf]

G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology, ICFO, Barcelona, 3-4 November 2017. [pdf]

[invited] G. Tóth, Quantum states with a positive partial transpose are useful for metrology, Quantum Information Center in Gdańsk (KCIK), Gdansk, Poland, 23-27 October 2017. [pdf]

G. Tóth participates in the International Workshop On Quantum Information, Quantum Control And Quantum Devices, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, 28-29 October 2017.

[invited] G. Tóth, Optimal witnessing of the quantum Fisher information with few measurements, ICTP-SISSA Advanced Workshop on Quantum Science and Quantum Technologies, Trieste, ICTP, September 11-15, 2017. [pdf]

G. Tóth participates at the Ikerbasque workshop, San Mamés Stadium, Bilbao, 8 September 2017.

M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of Prof. Gühne, University of Siegen, Germany, 6–8 September 2017.

M. Kleinmann, High violations of Bell-inequalities and the issue of signaling, ICE-4, Madrid, Spain, 10–14 July.

N. Muñoz, Are there operational differences between real and complex quantum theory? (poster), ICE-4, Madrid, Spain, 10–14 July.

M. Kleinmann, workshop “Quantum Information,“ Benasque, Spain, 25 June–9 July 2017.

N. Muñoz, Are there operational differences between real and complex quantum theory? (poster),Solstice of foundation”, Zürich, Switzerland, 18–24 June 2017.

G. Toth, Lower bounds on the quantum Fisher information based on the variance and various types of entropies, Department of Analysis, Technical University of Budapest, 14 June 2017. [pdf]

[invited] M. Kleinmann, Towards a Framework of Probabilistic Bayesian Theories, workshop on “Participatory realism,” Stellenbosch, South Africa, 6–8 June 2017.

M. Kleinmann, Testing the structure of quantum theory, workshop CeQIP, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 31 May–3 June 2017.

G. Tóth, Ph.D. defense of Sanah Altenburg, 28-31 May, Siegen, Germany.

M. Kleinmann, High violations of Bell-inequalities and the issue of signaling, visting C. Budroni, IQOQI Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 28 May–31 May 2017.

I. Apellaniz, "Witnessing metrological useful entanglement", Quantum 2017, Turin, Italy. May 6-13, 2017.

G. Tóth, How long does it take to obtain a physical density matrix?, New trends on complex quantum system dynamics, Cartagena, 8-12 May 2017. [pdf]

M. Kleinmann, visting the group of M. Bourennane, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 3–5 May 2017

M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of G. Lima, University of Concepción, Chile, 17–21 April 2017.

G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful entanglement in Dicke states, Conference and Working Group meeting of COST CA15220 QTSpace, Malta, 26-31 March, 2017. [pdf]

G. Vitagliano, Entanglement and extreme spin squeezing of unpolarized states, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, Germany, 6–10 March 2017.

I. Apellaniz, Witnessing metrological useful entanglement, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, Germany, 6–10 March 2017.

M. Kleinmann, Theory-independent conclusions from bipartite quantum correlations, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, Germany, 6–10 March 2017.

G. Tóth, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, Germany, 6–10 March 2017.

M. Pons, Visiting the group of Anna Sanpera, UAB, Barcelona, 23rd - 27th february 2017.

[invited] G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement with few measurements: recent results, Quantum metrology workshop, University of Hannover, Germany, 9-10 February 2017. [pdf]

G. Tóth, How long does it take to obtain a physical density matrix?, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 26 January 2017 [pdf].


M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of D. Bruß, University of Düsseldorf, Germany, 22–23 December 2016.

G. Tóth, Ph.D. defense of Giorgio Colangelo, ICFO, Barcelona, December 15-16, 2016.

G. Vitagliano, ICFO, Barcelona, December, 2016.

M. Kleinmann, 1. Meeting for the FQXi large grant “The Observer Observed: a Bayesian Route to the Reconstruction of Quantum Theory,” Hong Kong, China, 9–19 December, 2016

G. Tóth visits Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, 22-28 November 2016.

G. Tóth, Kick-off Meeting of the COST Action "Quantum Technologies in Space", Brussels, Belgium, October 20, 2016.

M. Pons, Visiting the group of Anna Sanpera, UAB, Barcelona, 17th - 23rd october 2016.

M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of D. Bruß, University of Düsseldorf, Germany, 11–13 October 2016.

[invited] M. Kleinmann, Theory-independent conclusions from bipartite quantum correlations, Workshop on “Temporal quantum correlations and steering“, Siegen, Germany, 4–10 October 2016.

G. Vitagliano, Quantifying clumsiness in a Leggett-Garg test, Workshop on “Temporal quantum correlations and steering“, Siegen, Germany, 4–10 October 2016.

G. Vitagliano, visiting Marcus Huber at the IQOQI Vienna, Austria, 26 September - 2 October 2016.

G. Sentis, Quantum change point detection, Vienna (Group of M. Huber), 1-7 October, 2016.

G. Sentis, Quantum change point detection, University of Siegen (Group of O. Gühne), Germany, 26-30 September, 2016.

G. Tóth, Witnessing metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement [pdf], 11th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC2016), Berlin, 27–29 September 2016.

G. Vitagliano, Entanglement and extreme spin squeezing of unpolarized states, IQIS 2016, Rome, Italy, 20-23 September 2016.

M. Kleinmann, Device-independent demonstration that a qubit is more than a quantum coin (poster) Workshop on “Ultra-Strong Light-Matter Interactions: theory and applications to quantum information”, Bilbao, Spain, 19–21 September 2016.

I. Apellaniz, Witnessing Metrologically Useful Entanglement (poster) [pdf], Workshop on “Ultra-Strong Light-Matter Interactions: theory and applications to quantum information”, Bilbao, Spain, 19-21 September 2016, Bilbao, Spain.

G. Tóth, Witnessing metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement [pdf], Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics (FOMO 2016), Arcachon, France, 10-17 September 2016.

G. Vitagliano, Entanglement and extreme spin squeezing of unpolarized states, DICE2016, Castiglioncello (LI), Italy, 12-16 September 2016.

G. Sentis visiting GIQ (UAB), Barcelona, 12-19 September 2016.

M. Pons, 1D and 2D localization of excited states of Bose-Einstein Condensates in presence of disorder, 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2016), Seoul, July 24-29, 2016.

G. Sentís, Quantitative bound entanglement in two-qutrit states (poster), 3rd Seefeld Workshop on Quantum Information, 26-30 June 2016

G. Tóth, Visiting the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, July-August 2016.

G. Fagundes, Memory Cost for Peres-Mermin Scenario (Poster), Enrico Fermi School: Foundations of Quantum Theory, 8-13 July 2016, Varenna, Italy.

M. Kleinmann, visiting M. Navasques at the IQOQI Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 20 June 2016.

M. Kleinmann, Device-independent demonstration that a qubit is more than a quantum coin, CeQIP 2016, Valtice, Czech Republic,16–19 June 2016.

[invited] G. Tóth, Quantum Information and Quantum Metrology (overview talk), Basque Quantum Science and Technologies Workshop, nanoGUNE, Donostia San-Sebastian, June 14, 2016.

G. Vitagliano, Entanglement and extreme spin squeezing of unpolarized states (poster), Basque Quantum Science and Technologies Workshop, nanoGUNE, Donostia San-Sebastian, June 14, 2016.

I. Apellaniz, Witnessing the quantum Fisher Information (poster), Basque Quantum Science and Technologies Workshop, nanoGUNE, Donostia San-Sebastian, June 14, 2016. 

M. Kleinmann, Do all correlations in nature arise from measurement with limited number of outcomes? (poster), Basque Quantum Science and Technologies Workshop, nanoGUNE, Donostia San-Sebastian, June 14, 2016.

G. Tóth, Witnessing metrologically useful multipartite entanglement [pdf], ICFO, Barcelona, 12:00, 7 June 2016.

[invited] G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states [pdf], Colloquium RTG 1729, University of Hannover, 2 June 2016.

I. Apellaniz, seminar lecture: Optimal Bound for the Quantum Fisher Information Based on Few Expectation Values, 23 of May at 16:00 in the Arcetri building for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy.

I. Apellaniz, visiting the group QSTAR for the month of May at Florence LENS Institute, Italy.

G. Muga, Quantum Europe Conerence, Amsterdam, 17-18 May 2016.

G. Tóth, Quantum metrology from a quantum information perspective, 19:00, 27 May 2016, Benasque, Spain.

Vitagliano, G. Sentís, and M. Kleinmann participate at the workshop Multipartite entanglement, 22–27 May 2016, Benasque, Spain.

G. Tóth, "Segundo Foro Tecnológico sobre el futuro de las tecnologías cuánticas en Europa", Spanish ERANET/FET Meeting, MINECO, Madrid, 4 May, 2016.

M. Kleinmann, visiting A. Cabello at the University of Sevilla, Spain, 3–6 May, 2016.

M. Pons, Adiabaticity in a time-dependent trap: Loss a recapture of particles near the continuum threshold, SCET 2016 (Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology, Advances in Physics section), Suzhou (China), April 17th-20th, 2016.

I. Apellaniz, Optimal detection of useful quantum entanglement with few expectation values [pdf], ICE-3 conference, 13–15 April 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

M. Kleinmann, Challenging quantum theory beyond Bell test, ICE-3 conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 13–15 April 2016.

G. Vitagliano, Quantum Non-Demolition measurements enable macroscopic Leggett-Garg tests , ICE-3 conference, 13–15 April 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

G. Fagundes, Memory Cost for Simulating all Contextuality Correlations in the Peres-Mermin Square (poster), ICE-3 conference, 13–15 April 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

G. Sentís, Quantitative bound entanglement in two-qutrit states, Seminar at GIQ (UAB), Barcelona, 12-17 March 2016.

G. Tóth and I. L. Egusquiza participate on the "Primero Foro Tecnológico sobre el futuro de las tecnologías cuánticas en Europa", Spanish ERANET/FET meeting, CDTI, Madrid, 15 March 2016.

M. Kleinmann, Visiting the group of O. Gühne, University Siegen, Germany, 7–11 March 2016.

[invited]  G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states [pdf], Recent Advances in Quantum Metrology (RAQM 2016), 2-4 March 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

I. Apellaniz, Optimal detection of useful quantum entanglement with few expectation values [pdf], Recent Advances in Quantum Metrology (RAQM 2016), 2-4 March 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

M. Kleinmann, Testing an axiom of quantum theory: Which measurements are admissible?, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, 29  February–4 March 2016.

M. Kleinmann, Optimal detection of useful quantum entanglement with few expectation values, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, 29  February–4 March 2016.

G. Vitagliano, Quantifying clumsiness in a Leggett-Garg test [pdf], Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, 29  February-4 March 2016.

G. Fagundes, Memory Cost for Simulating all Contextuality Correlations in the Peres-Mermin Square, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, 29  February-4 March 2016.

G. Sentís, Quantifying entanglement of two-qutrit states with positive partial transpose, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, 29  February-4 March 2016.

M. Pons, Visiting the group of Anna Sanpera, UAB, Barcelona, 8th - 10th february 2016.


M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of G. Lima, University of Concepción, Chile, 21 Nov.–05 Dec. 2015.

G. Vitagliano, Generalized squeezing inequalities and entanglement, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2015

G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states [pdf], University of Firenze, Italy, 7-11 December 2015.

M. Pons, Visiting the group of Anna Sanpera, UAB, Barcelona, 13-21 November 2015.

[invited] M. Kleinmann, What can we gain from reconstructions?, Workshop on Quantum Correlations, Contextuality and All That... Again, Natal, Brazil, 9–13 Nov. 2015.

D. Sokolovki, Department of Electronic Structure Theory, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Theory, Stuttgart, Austria, 26-29, October 2015.

D. Sokolovki, International Symposium about Quantum Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, 23-25, October 2015.

G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states [pdf], Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium at the Kirchhoff-Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 27-30 October 2015.

G. Tóth, Visiting H. Weinfurter and L. Knips, LMU, München, Germany, 13-16 October.

G. Vitagliano, Ph.D. defence, 9 October, 2015.

G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states [pdf], Department of Theoretical Physics, Budapest University of Technology, 28 September 2015.

G. Tóth, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states [pdf], Entanglement Day 2, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, 24-25 September, 2015.

G. Tóth visits D. Petz, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, 24 September, 2015.

I. Apellaniz, M. Kleinmann, G. Tóth, G. Vitagliano, Joint group excursion with the group of O. Gühne funded by the Heraeus foundation, 13-17 Sept. 2015.

[invited] M. Kleinmann, Quantum measurements with more than two outcomes: Mathematical freedom meets nature, Contextuality: why and how, Linköping, Sweden, 20-26 Aug. 2015

M. Kleinmann, Is nature merely dichotomic?, 5th International Workshop on Quantum Information, Paraty, Brazil, 11-15 Aug. 2015

G. Vitagliano, Generalized spin squeezing in the vicinity of Dicke states (talk), XXXV Reunion Bienal RSEF, Gijon, Spain, July 13-17, 2015

[invited] M. Kleinmann, Can quantum correlations arise from measurements with only a limited number of outcomes?, Workshop on Foundations of Quantum Information, Lake Okanagan, Canada, July 6-10, 2015

G. Vitagliano, visiting the group of M. Mitchell, ICFO, Barcelona, 5-8 July 2015.

M. Kleinmann, attending Workshop on Quantum Information, Benasque, Spain, June 21-July 04, 2015

I. Apellaniz, Verifying the metrological usefulness of Dicke states with collective measurements, International Workshop on Cold Gases in Quantum Information, Bilbao, Spain, 30 June-1 July, 2015.

G. Vitagliano, Generalized spin squeezing in the vicinity of Dicke states (talk), International Workshop on Cold Gases in Quantum Information, Bilbao, Spain, 30 June-1 July, 2015.

G. Vitagliano, Generalized Spin Squeezing in the vicinity of Dicke states (poster), Spanish Quantum Information Workshop ICE-2, Bilbao, Spain, 1-3 June, 2015.

G. Tóth participates on the Workshop on ERC grants, San Sebastian, Korta building, 19 June 2015. Speakers: Verónica Beneitez Pinero (European Research Council Executive Agency), Esther Rodriguez (Oficina Europea, FECYT-MINECO), Angel Rubio (UPV/EHU).

I. Apellaniz, Witnessing quantum Fisher Information (poster), Spanish Quantum Information Workshop ICE-2, Bilbao, Spain, 1-3 June, 2015.

M. Kleinmann, Do all correlations in nature arise from measurements with limited number of outcomes? (poster), Spanish Quantum Information Workshop ICE-2, Bilbao, Spain, 1-3 June, 2015.

G. Tóth and M. Kleinmann participates as two of the local organizers on the Spanish Quantum Information Workshop ICE-2, Bilbao, Spain, 1-3 June, 2015.

(Co-chairs are Iñigo Egusquiza and Lucas Lamata)

S. Altenburg, visit at U. of Siegen and U. of Darmstadt, 28 March - 4 April, 2015.

M. Kleinmann, Could nature be purely quantum dichotomic? (poster), The International Conference on Quantum Physics Of Nature, Vienna, Austria, May 18-22, 2015

C. v. Hulse, IWHSS 2015, Suzdal, Russia, 18-20 May, 2015.

G. Vitagliano, Generalized Spin Squeezing in the vicinity of Dicke states (poster), New Trends on Complex Quantum System Dynamics, Cartagena, Spain, 25-29 May 2015.

I. Apellaniz, Witnessing quantum Fisher Information (poster), New Trends on Complex Quantum System Dynamics, Cartagena, Spain, 25-29 May 2015.

[invited] G. Tóth_, Detecting metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states_ [pdf], 589. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar Continuous Variable Entanglement in Atomic Systems: Fundamentals and Applications, Bad Honnef, Germany, 11-15 May, 2015.

G. Vitagliano, Generalized Spin Squeezing in the vicinity of Dicke states (poster), 589. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar Continuous Variable Entanglement in Atomic Systems: Fundamentals and Applications, Bad Honnef, Germany, 11-14 May 2015.

I. Apellaniz, Witnessing quantum Fisher Information (poster), 589. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar Continuous Variable Entanglement in Atomic Systems: Fundamentals and Applications, Bad Honnef, Germany, 11-14 May 2015.

G. Vitagliano, (Scheduled: 5 May 2014) Quantifying the measurement invasivity in a Leggett-Garg test (poster), Randomness in quantum physics and beyond, Barcelona, Spain, 4-8 May 2015.

M. Kleinmann, visiting A. Cabello at the University of Sevilla, Spain, April 27-30 2015.

G. Tóth, in the committee for the Ph.D. defence of N. Behbood (advisor M.W. Mitchell), ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, 17 April, 2015.

M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of O. Gühne, University of Siegen, Germany, March 30-April 1 2015.

S. Altenburg, Conference of the German Physical Society, Heidelberg, Germany, March 23-27, 2015.

G. Vitagliano, Generalized spin squeezing in the vicinity of Dicke states (talk) [pdf], Conference of the German Physical Society, Heidelberg, Germany, March 23-27, 2015. (Tue, Mar 24 2015, 15:45-16:00, K/HS1, Q 26.6).

I. Apellaniz, Verifying the metrological usefulness of Dicke states with collective measurements (talk) [pdf], Conference of the German Physical Society, Heidelberg, Germany, March 23-27, 2015. (Tue, Mar 24 2015, 15:30-15:45, K/HS1, Q 26.5).

G. Tóth, Evaluation of convex roof entanglement measures [pdf], Conference of the German Physical Society, Heidelberg, Germany, March 23-27, 2015. (Wed, Mar 25 2015, 12:00-12:15, Q 35.5)

M. Kleinmann, Conference of the German Physical Society, Heidelberg, Germany, March 23-27, 2015.

M. Kleinmann, Current topics in foundations of quantum mechanics Bell inequalities: Kochen-Specker theorem, and generalized probabilistic models [pdf], Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain, 5 March 2015.

G. Tóth, Introduction to quantum information science and quantum computation [pdf], Temas de Física (J.M.M. Senovilla), University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa, 23, 26 February, and 2, 5 March, 2015.

G. Tóth visits G. Giedke, Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), San Sebastian, Spain, 10 February 2015.

G. Tóth, Introduction to entanglement theory & Detection of multipartite entanglement close to symmetric Dicke states [pdf], Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), San Sebastian, Spain, 10 February 2015.

G. Tóth, Introduction to entanglement theory & Detection of multipartite entanglement close to symmetric Dicke states [pdf], Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain, 27 January 2015.

M. Kleinmann, State-independent contextuality: What it is, and what it is not (seminar talk), Dep. de Matemática, UFMG Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 29 January 2015

M. Kleinmann, Challenging the structure of quantum measurements (seminar), Dep. de Física, University of Concepción, Chile, 14 January 2015

M. Kleinmann, Concepción (Chile) and Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 10-30 January 2015.


G. Vitagliano visiting the group of M. W. Mitchell, ICFO, Barcelona, 15-19 December 2014.

M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of O. Gühne, University of Siegen, Germany, 15-19 December 2014.

M. Kleinmann and G. Tóth, visiting G. Giedke at DIPC, San Sebastian, 5 December 2014.

G. Tóth, Detection of multipartite entanglement close to symmetric Dicke states [pdf], Conference on Quantum Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2014), Hefei, Anhui, China, 2-6 November 2014.

[invited] M. Kleinmann, Loopholes in contextuality experiments, Quantum Contextuality: Trick or Treat, Singapore, 2-7 November 2014.

M. Kleinmann, visiting the group of H. Weinfurter, LMU, Munich, Germany, 6-10 October 2014

I. Apellaniz, Precision bounds for quantum metrology


, FQXi Workshop, University of Siegen, Germany, 22-25 September 2014.

I. Apellaniz, visiting the Theoretical Quantum Optics group at the University of Siegen (group of O. Gühne), Siegen, Germany, 29 of August - 31 of October, 2014.

G. Tóth, co-organizer of QCE2014, 24 September (Wed), Bilbao.

[invited] G. Tóth, Detection of multipartite entanglement close to symmetric Dicke states [pdf], 7th Italian Quantum Information Science Conference (IQIS2014), Salerno, 15-19 September, 2014.

[organizer] G. Tóth, Entanglement witnesses [pdf], Entanglement Day, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, 4-5 September, Budapest.

[organizer] G. Tóth, Quantum metrology from a quantum information science perspective [pdf], Entanglement Day, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, 4-5 September, Budapest.

G. Tóth met Árpád and Ildikó Csurgay, Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest, 25 August, 2014.

G. Tóth met D. Petz, Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, 14 July, 2014.

I. Apellaniz,

Accuracy bounds for gradient magnetometry when single ensemble of

atoms is used (poster)

, Workshop: Información Cuántica en España-1, Zaragoza, Spain, 25-27 June 2014.

G. Vitagliano, Detecting multiparticle entanglement with spin squeezing inequalities, Workshop: Información Cuántica en España-1, Zaragoza, Spain, 25-27 June 2014.

C. v. Hulse, Transversity 2014, Chia, Cagliari, Italy, 9-13 June 2014.

G. Vitagliano, Spin-squeezing and entanglement for arbitrary spin (poster), Workshop: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons, Torino, Italy, 25-31 May 2014.

G. Tóth, Entanglement theory with an eye to the black hole firewall paradox (department seminar), Cosmology Journal Club, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 11:40, 13 May 2014.

G. Tóth, Introduction to quantum information science and quantum computation (lecture in Spanish, slides in English) [pdf], Temas de Física (J.M.M. Senovilla), University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa, 5-6 May, 2014.

I. Urizar-Lanz, Ph.D. defence, 9 April, 2014.

I. Urizar-Lanz, Multiparticle singlet states and their metrological applications, Conference of the German Physical Society, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 March 2014. (Q 62.3, Fri, Mar 21 2014, 14:45-15:00)

I. Apellaniz, Accuracy bounds for gradient metrology with PI atomic ensembles (poster), Conference of the German Physical Society, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 March 2014. (Q 16.72, Mon, Mar 19 2014, 16:30-18:30)

Z. Zimborás, Area law violation for the mutual information in a nonequilibrium steady state, Conference of the German Physical Society, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 March 2014. (Q 50.7, Thu, Mar 20 2014, 18:00-18:15)

G. Vitagliano, Generalized squeezing inequalities, entanglement and its depth, Conference of the German Physical Society, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 March 2014. (Q 50.4, Thu, Mar 20 2014, 17:15-17:30)

G. Tóth, Detection of multipartite entanglement close to symmetric Dicke states [pdf], Conference of the German Physical Society, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 March 2014. (Q 37.4, Thu, Mar 20 2014, 11:15-11:30)

I. Urizar-Lanz, Multiparticle singlet states and their Applications for Metrology (poster), Bilbao Conference on Entanglement Detection and Quantification, Bilbao, Spain, 10-13 March, 2014.

G. Vitagliano, Spin-squeezing and entanglement for arbitrary spin (poster), Bilbao Conference on Entanglement Detection and Quantification, Bilbao, Spain, 10-13 March, 2014.

I. Apellaniz, Accuracy bounds for gradient metrology with PI atomic ensembles (poster), Bilbao Conference on Entanglement Detection and Quantification, Bilbao, Spain, 10-13 March, 2014.

[invited] Z. Zimborás, Entanglement entropy in quasifree fermion models, Theoretical Physics Seminar, University of Zaragoza, Spain, 7 March 2014.

G. Vitagliano, Spin-squeezing and entanglement for arbitrary spin (poster), XVIIth conference on Quantum Information Processing, Barcelona, Spain, 3-7 February 2014.


Z. Zimborás, Higher-order Symmetries, Research Center for Quantum Information, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,  3 December, 2013.

Z. Zimborás, Dynamical Algebras and Many-body Physics, Quantum Optic and Quantum Information Group, University of Vienna, Germany,  28 November, 2013.

[invited] G. Tóth, Spin-squeezing inequalities for entanglement detection in cold gases [pdf], Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Ulm, Germany, 13 November, 2013.

G. Vitagliano and G. Tóth visit M. Cramer and M. Plenio at the University of Ulm, Germany, 11-14 November, 2013.

Poster presentation of our collaborators: B. Lücke, J. Peise, W. Ertmer, C. Klempt, J. Artlt, L. Pezze, A. Smerzi, F. Deuretzbacher, L. Santos, G. Vitagliano, G. Toth, Entanglement in a Bose-Eisnetein condensate [pdf], Bose-Einstein Condensation 2013, Frontiers in Quantum Gases, Sant Feliu (Spain), September 7-13, 2013; Fundamentals and Applications of Ultra-cold Matter, Visselhövede (Germany), 16th - 19th September 2013. See also talk about the same topic at Quantum Information Processing and Communication International Conference (QIPC2013), Florence, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2013.

[invited] Z. Zimborás, Dynamical Algebras and Many-body Physics, Quantum Information Seminar at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, UK, 23 October 2013.

Z. Zimborás, On the reduced density matrices of permutation invariant N-body singlet states, Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Information, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, 14-18 October, 2013.

I. Urizar-Lanz, Differential Magnetometry Using Singlets, II Postgraduate Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 October 2013.

I. Apellaniz, Accuracy Bounds for Gradient Metrology [pdf], 4th International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED4), Siegen, Germany, 23-27 September, 2013.

G. Vitagliano, SU(d) squeezing and entanglement in systems of d-level particles, 4th International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED4), Siegen, Germany, 23-27 September, 2013.

I. Urizar-Lanz, Accuracy of Gradient Magnetometry with Multipartite Singlet States, 4th International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED4), Siegen, Germany, 23-27 September, 2013.

Z. Zimborás, Higher-order symmetries in Entanglement, Design and Control Theory, 4th International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED4), Siegen, Germany, 23-27 September, 2013.

G. Tóth, Quantum Fisher information as the convex roof of the variance and its relation to multipartite entanglement [pdf1, pdf2], 4th International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED4), Siegen, Germany, 23-27 September, 2013.

G. Tóth, Spin-squeezing inequalities for entanglement detection in cold gases [pdf], Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 29 July, 2013.

G. Tóth, Efficient algorithm for multi-qudit twirling for ensemble quantum computation [pdf], Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 25 July, 2013.

G. Vitagliano attends the Quantum Frontiers summer school at ICFO, Barcelona, Spain, July 25-July 27, 2013.

Z. Zimborás, Quantum Information Workshop at Benasque, Spain, stay: July 1 - July 12, 2013.

G. Vitagliano, Spin-squeezing and entanglement for arbitrary spin, Quantum Information Processing and Communication International Conference (QIPC2013), Florence, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2013.

I. Urizar, Differential Magnetometry Using Singlets, Quantum Information Processing and Communication International Conference (QIPC2013), Florence, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2013.

I. Apellaniz, Accuracy Bounds for Gradient Metrology in Atomic Ensembles (poster), Quantum Information Processing and Communication International Conference (QIPC2013), Florence, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2013.

G. Tóth, Spin-squeezing inequalities for entanglement detection in cold gases [pdf], Quantum Information Processing and Communication International Conference (QIPC2013), Florence, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2013.

G. Tóth, Spin-squeezing inequalities for entanglement detection in cold gases [pdf], 13th International Conference on Squeezing and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR 2013), Nürnberg, Germany, 24-28 June, 2013.

[invited] G. Tóth visits the group of H. Weinfurter at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, München, June 17-19, 2013.

Z. Zimborás visits the group of M.M. Wolf and M. Keyl at the Mathematics Department of TUM, München, June 17-21, 2013.

G. Tóth visits L.L. Sanchez Soto in the Complutense University, Madrid, 13 June, 2013

G. Tóth, European Research Council (ERC) Meeting, Madrid, 12 June, 2013.

[invited] G. Tóth, Spin-squeezing inequalities for entanglement detection in cold gases [pdf, pdf2], Group of Theoretical Physics: Quantum Information and Quantum Phenomena of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (J. Calsamiglia) [link], Barcelona, 11 June, 2013.

[invited] Z. Zimborás, Chiral Quantum Walks, IQC Workshop on Quantum Computation and Complex Networks, Waterloo, Canada, 24-26 May 2013.

[invited] G. Tóth, Spin-squeezing inequalities for entanglement detection in cold gases [pdf], Graduate College of the the Research Training Group 1729, Theoretical Quantum Optics Group (L. Santos) at the University of Hannover, Germany, May 21, 2013; visit between 20-23 May, 2013.

[invited] Z. Zimborás, Higher-order Symmetries in Quantum Control, Design and Entanglement Theory, Quantum Structures, Information and Control Group; IMAPS, Aberysthwyth University, UK, 6 May 2013. Collaboration with Daniel Burgarth, 5-15 May, 2013.

G. Tóth, Permutationally Invariant Quantum Tomography and State Reconstruction, Workshop Cartagena: New Trends in Complex Quantum System Dynamics [pdf], Cartagena, Spain, 8-12 April 2013.

Z. Zimborás visits J. Biamonte and M. Faccin, ISI, Torino, Italy, 7-8 April 2013.

G. Vitagliano, SU(d) squeezing and entanglement in systems of d-level particles, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, 18-22 March 2013. (Friday 15:00, 22 March 2013)

I. Apellaniz, Accuracy Limits on the Estimation of the Magnetic Field Gradient, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, 18-22 March 2013. (Monday 11:45, 18 March 2013)

I. Urizar-Lanz, Application of multipartite quantum states for gradient magnetometry, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, 18-22 March 2013. (Monday 12:00, 18 March 2013).

Z. Zimborás, External vs internal spin squeezing. How to tell them apart?, Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, 18-22 March 2013. (Friday 14:00, 22 March 2013).

G. Tóth, Multipartite entanglement and high precision metrology [pdf], Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, 18-22 March 2013. (Thursday 11:30, 21 March 2013).

G. Tóth, Extremal properties of the variance and the quantum Fisher information [pdf], Conference of the German Physical Society, Hannover, Germany, 18-22 March 2013. (Monday 14:45, 18 March 2013).

Z. Zimborás visits Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen, Robert Zeier and Michael Wolf at TUM, Munich, 1-9 March 2013.

G. Vitagliano visits Prof. P. Calabrese, Department of Physics, University of Pisa, Italy, 17 December 2012 - 17 March 2013.

Z. Zimborás, Lie-theoretic results in (unitary) Quantum Control Theory, Conference of the German Physical Society, Jena, Germany, 25 February - 1 March 2013. (Tuesday 15:15, 26 February 2013).

G. Tóth, Permutationally Invariant Quantum Tomography and State Reconstruction [pdf], Workshop on Mathematical Methods of Quantum Tomography, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, February 19-22, 2013.


G. Tóth visits the Quantum Optics Group (P. Ádám) at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, 27-28 Dec. 2012.

Z. Zimborás participates at the Year-ending Statistical Physics Workshop, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary 28 December 2012.

Z. Zimborás visits James Whitfield (Verstraete group) at IQI, Vienna, 15 November 2012.

Z. Zimborás visits Robert Zeier (Glaser group) at TUM, Munich, 9-14 November 2012.

[invited] Z. Zimborás, Time-reversal-symmetry breaking in quantum processes , Tensor Network States and Algebraic Geometry, ISI, Torino, Italy, 6-8 November 2012.

G. Tóth, Quantum Chromodynamics meets Quantum Information [pdf], 3rd Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon (QCD-N'12), Bilbao, Spain 22-26 October, 2012.

G. Tóth, Permutationally invariant quantum tomography and state reconstruction [pdf], Workshop on Quantum Simulations, Bilbao, Spain, 22-25 October 2012.

Z. Zimborás, Simulating time-reversal symmetry breaking systems with trapped ions, Workshop on Quantum Simulations, Bilbao, Spain, 22-25 October 2012 (poster).

G. Vitagliano, Entanglement and spin squeezing for arbitrary spin, Workshop on Quantum Simulations, Bilbao, Spain, 22-25 October 2012 (poster).

I. Urizar-Lanz, Differential magnetometry using singlets, Workshop on Quantum Simulations, Bilbao, Spain, 22-25 October 2012 (poster).

I. Apellaniz, Quantum limits on the precision of measuring a magnetic field gradient, Workshop on Quantum Simulations, Bilbao, Spain, 22-25 October 2012. (poster).

G. Tóth, My major research topics: Spin squeezing et al. [pdf], Workshop Información Cuántica en España (ICE-0), Madrid, 17-19 September 2012.

[invited] Z. Zimborás, Dynamical Algebras and Many-body Physics, COQUIT workshop, Torino, 11-14 September, 2012.

[invited] G. Vitagliano, Spin squeezing inequalities for higher spin particles, COQUIT workshop, Torino, 11-14 September, 2012.

[invited] G. Tóth, COQUIT workshop, Torino, 11-14 September, 2012.

G. Tóth and O. Gühne, 3rd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED3), Bilbao, Spain, 3-7 September 2012. (Organization)

Z. Zimborás, Symplectic and Unitary, 3rd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED3), Bilbao, Spain, 3-7 September 2012.

I. Urizar-Lanz, Differential magnetometry with multipartite singlets, 3rd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED3), Bilbao, Spain, 3-7 September 2012.

G. Vitagliano, Spin squeezing inequalities for spin-j particles, 3rd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED3), Bilbao, Spain, 3-7 September 2012.

Z. Zimborás visits the group of David Cory at IQC, Waterloo, Canada 12-25 August 2012.

G. Tóth visits D. Petz at the Rényi Institute for Mathematics, Budapest, July-August, 2012.

[invited]  G. Tóth, Entanglement detection close to multi-qubit Dicke states in photonic experiments, Workshop on the dynamics and asymptotics in the Dicke model and quantum networks, Mátraháza, Hungary , 3–7 May, 2012.

G. Tóth, Optimal generalized variance and quantum Fisher information, Conference of the German Physical Society, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March, 2012.

G. Tóth, Mapping the spatial distribution of entanglement in optical lattices, Conference of the German Physical Society, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March, 2012.

P. Hyllus, Sub shot-noise from measurements of the one-body density, Conference of the German Physical Society, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March, 2012.

P. Hyllus, Interferometry  and multiparticle entanglement, Conference of the German Physical Society, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March, 2012 (poster).

I. Urizar-Lanz, Differential Magnetometry using Singlets, Conference of the German Physical Society, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March, 2012.

G. Vitagliano, Spin squeezing and entanglement in systems of spin-j particles, Conference of the German Physical Society, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March, 2012.

G. Tóth, CHIST-ERA QUASAR kick-off meeting, Munich, Germany, 9 January, 2012.


I. Urizar-Lanz, Differential Magnetometry with Multipartite Singlets, ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain, October 19, 2011.

P. Hyllus, Multiparticle Entanglement and Phase Estimation, ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain, October 19, 2011.

[invited] G. Tóth, Optimal spin squeezing inequalities for arbitrary spin, Quantum Computing, Control and Communication Workshop 2011, Bernried (Munich), Germany, 8-11 October, 2011. (Invited 45 minutes presentation)

G. Tóth, Detecting k-particle entanglement with spin squeezing inequalities, 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED2), University of Siegen, Germany, 20 September, 2011.

P. Hyllus, Multiparticle Entanglement and Phase Estimation, 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED2), University of Siegen, Germany, 20 September, 2011.

I. Urizar-Lanz, Differencial Magnetometry with Multipartite Singlets, 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED2), University of Siegen, Germany, 20 September, 2011.

G. Vitagliano, Spin squeezing for higher spins, 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection (QED2), University of Siegen, Germany, 21 September, 2011.

[invited] G. Vitagliano, Volume law scaling of entanglement entropy in spin chains, ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy, 18 July, 2011.

[invited] G. Tóth, Permutationally invariant tomography, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 30 May, 2011.

P. Hyllus, Poster: Interferometry and Multiparticle Entanglement, Workshop Quantum Science and Technologies, Rovereto, Italy, 2011.

P. Hyllus, BENASQUE 2011: Quantum Information Workshop, 12 Jun 2011 - 1 Jul 2011 at Benasque, Spain, stay: June 20 - June 28, 2011.

G. Tóth, Permutationally invariant quantum tomography, Conference of the German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 13-18 March, 2011.

I. Urizar-Lanz, Differential Magnetometry with Multipartite Singlets, Conference of the German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 13-18 March, 2011. 

G. Vitagliano, Entanglement detection in systems of spin-j particles with collective observables, Conference of the German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 13-18 March, 2011.